- How to Delete Large S3 Bucket on CREODIAS
- How to Mount Object Storage Container as a File System in Linux Using s3fs on CREODIAS
- What We Are Going To Cover
- Prerequisites
- Step 1: Sign in to your Linux machine
- Step 2: Install s3fs
- Step 3: Create file or files containing login credentials
- Step 4: Create mount points
- Step 5: Mount a container
- Unmounting a container
- Configuring automatic mounting of your object storage
- Stopping automatic mounting of a container
- Potential problems with the way s3fs handles objects
- What To Do Next
- Bucket sharing using s3 bucket policy on CREODIAS
- How to use Object Storage on CREODIAS
- What We Are Going To Cover
- Prerequisites
- Creating a new object storage container
- Viewing the container
- Creating a new folder
- Navigating through folders
- Uploading a file
- Deleting files and folders from a container
- Recommended number of files in your object storage containers
- Working with public object storage containers
- What To Do Next
- How to access private object storage using S3cmd or boto3 on CREODIAS
- S3FS Cache on CREODIAS
- How to Install Boto3 in Windows on CREODIAS
- Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Managed Keys (SSE-C) on CREODIAS
- How to mount object storage container from CREODIAS as file system on local Windows computer
- Prerequisites
- What We Are Going To Cover
- Software tools used in this article: Rclone, WinFSP, and NSSM
- How to use the Rclone configuration file
- Step 1 Download and install the appropriate software
- Step 2: Enter the connection data
- Step 3: Perform a test mount
- Step 4: Tweak the –dir-cache-time option
- Step 5: Configure automatic mounting of your container
- Removing software responsible for automatic mounting of object storage
- What To Do Next
- Create S3 bucket and use it in Sentinel Hub requests
- How to install s3cmd on Linux on CREODIAS
- Configuration files for s3cmd command on CREODIAS
- How to access object storage from CREODIAS using boto3
- What We Are Going To Cover
- Prerequisites
- Terminology: container and bucket
- Preparing the environment
- How to use the examples provided?
- Creating a container
- Listing buckets
- Checking when a bucket was created
- Listing files in a bucket
- Listing files from particular path in a bucket
- Uploading file to a bucket
- Downloading file from a bucket
- Removing file from a bucket
- Removing a bucket
- General troubleshooting
- What To Do Next
- How to access object storage from CREODIAS using s3cmd
- What We Are Going To Cover
- Prerequisites
- Object storage vs. standard file system
- Terminology: container and bucket
- Configuring s3cmd
- S3 paths in s3cmd
- Listing containers
- Creating a container
- Uploading a file to a container
- Listing files and folders of the root directory of a container
- Listing files and folders not in the root directory of a container
- Removing a file from a container
- Downloading a file from a container
- Checking how much storage is being used on a container
- Removing the entire container
- What To Do Next
- S3 bucket object versioning on CREODIAS
- Prerequisites
- What We Are Going To Cover
- Configuring and testing AWS CLI
- Assigning bucket names to shell variables
- Creating a bucket without versioning
- Enabling versioning on a bucket
- Uploading file
- S3 paths
- Uploading another version of a file
- Listing available versions of a file
- Downloading a chosen version of the file
- Deleting objects on version-enabled buckets
- Using lifecycle policy to configure automatic deletion of previous versions of files
- Suspending versioning
- What To Do Next