Introducing the new CREODIAS 2.0 portal and important changes for the user

We are pleased to announce that we have officially launched our new portal CREODIAS 2.0,

Important technical information regarding the migration

Set up two-factor authentication (2Fa) first

When logging into your Openstack Horizon or Billing account for the first time, you will be asked to set 2FA (only for those that didn’t have it enabled earlier).

Openstack horizon link:

Billing account link:

You can read more about the 2FA solution in this guide:

Select CREODIAS when logging into OpenStack Horizon

The login method to Openstack Horizon will change.

In place of Authenticate Using, instead of “OpenID Connect”, now you should select “CREODIAS”

How to create Keycloak API Token in Creodias 2.0 to download products

Please see article EOData Catalogue API Manual on CREODIAS

Creodias Finder and Creodias Browser will be deactivated.

Data Explorer will be introduced in their place -

Two new clouds introduced – WAW3-2 and FRA1-2

We are adding two additional cloud regions for CREODIAS users – WAW3-2 and FRA1-2.

For more information on the new regions, visit

New Support ticket system

You received access to the new Support ticket system.

After logging into the management portal, you will find the ability to create and track the process of resolving support requests.

Available ticket types:

  • Support,

  • Problem,

  • Billing and accounting,

  • Sales.

A description of the operation, along with screenshots showing the layout of the interface for managing requests can be found at this link:



CREODIAS 2.0 is the first commercial element of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem thus provides commercial services offered by the entire Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem consortium team consisting of: T-Systems as a leader, CloudFerro, Sinergise, VITO, DLR, ACRI-ST, and RHEA.

The new platform brings a number of benefits. Here are some of the advantages of the recent changes:

  1. The new portal has a modern and user-friendly interface, making it easier to navigate and access the information you need.

  2. We have introduced new features and functionality to improve interactions with our services. You can now enjoy a smoother and more efficient browsing experience.

  3. With the migration, we have expanded our content offering, providing a wider range of valuable resources, articles and services tailored to your needs.

  4. The new portal has been optimised for speed and performance.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions about the new portal, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team.

We hope you enjoy the improvements.

Best regards,

Creodias Support Team